Anirban Dutta

Anirban Dutta, Wildlife Photographer, Macro, Nikon, West Bengal, India

Anirban Dutta

I have started photography with a simple point and shoot KODAK(film) camera in the year 2000. But after some years I bought a Semi-DSLR Prosummer Camera of Canon. Then Canon DSLR and then Nikon D750, now Nikon D500. Photographic efficiency developed slowly and I have entered in Salon photography through Federation of Indian Photography(FIP). From 2009 to 2014, I have got so many Awards, Mementos, Ribbons, Trophies and Certificates from various International and National Salon recognized by FIAP, PSA, GPU, FIP etc. I have been Awarded the distinctions (FFIP) Fellow of Federation of Indian Photography in the year 2015. Then I have started photo posting in different Facebook groups, which I loved most. I have got POM in Beyond Vision, in the month March 2019

Genre in photography : My basic interest is Mother Nature. I loved to photograph Big mammals like Rhino, Elephants, colorful birds. But Macro photography is in my deepest core of heart. The unseen and unexplored tiny macro world attracts me most. And this genre is so toughest because of risk factor, uncertainty.
Please Click on each Photograph for enlarge the view.